Silver Spring, MD: National Council for the Social Studies. Videos; For Students. Washington, DC: NAEYC. Syllabus Used in Course for: Early Intervention Certificate to work with infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families (Part C services); Preschool Special Needs Endorsement (PSNE) to teach preschool children from ages 3 through 5; Early Childhood Intervention Specialist (ECIS) license to teach children with disabilities from 3-years old through grade 3 (PreK-3rd Grade) In the early 1960s, Jerome Bruner inspired further changes in the social studies curriculum when he advanced the belief that curriculum content should emphasize the structure of a discipline. © 2016-2021 All site design rights belong to S.Y.A. National curriculum standards for social studies: A framework for teaching, learning, and assessment. This course is designed to investigate curricula methods and materials for teaching nursery, kindergarten and primary children. There have been a variety of approaches to teaching social studies content and skills to young children over the long history of early childhood education in the United States. Psychological Foundations of Early Development and Education. Mindes, G. (2015). Many educators underestimate the capacity of young children to have an opinion and engage in the cultural and civic life of a community. Seen & heard: Children’s rights in early childhood education. (2.5 hr) A social studies perspective on the definition of mathematics The education provided has to ensure the differentiated stimulation of children, aiming the intellectual, emotional, social and physical development of each child and targeting to achieve the following results of early education (from birth to 6/7 years old): Young children are also capable of helping to establish rules regarding areas of fairness and safety. Course Syllabus Early Childhood Curriculum Development Credit Hours: 3 Lecture Hours: 3 Laboratory Hours: 0 Course Description: The principles involved in planning, implementing and evaluating developmentally appropriate, evidence-based curriculum for young children are studied. It introduces children to different family types, religious beliefs, and ways of living. NCSS recommends that early childhood educators should uphold the following principles and approaches in their work with young children: Young children have the capacity to use the skills of reasoning and inquiry to investigate social studies concepts as they explore how people interact in the world. As teachers set the tone for children’s social studies learning, it is critical that curricular and instructional decisions embrace diversity and social justice while intentionally contesting bias and inequity. An antibias classroom actively challenges prejudice, stereotyping, bias, and negative decisions made about persons on the basis of race, ethnicity, language, gender, and ability. You’ll also complete an original research project in an area of early childhood education. Many of these experiences draw upon ten general themes identified in 1994 by the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) for kindergarten and the elementary school. Ilene Berson, Ph.D., NCSP, Professor, Area Coordinator of Early Childhood Programs and Early Childhood Ph.D. and methods of inquiry drawn from the seven social sciences: history, geography, civics and government (political science), economics, sociology, psychology, and an-thropology. Spreading happiness: A preschool classroom in Washington, DC, investigates citizenship and makes a statement—“Be happy!” Young Children, 72 (2), 64–71. Decision making is fostered throughout the day, not just at activity center time” (Seefeldt, 1993, p. 7). You are required to complete 15 … Washington, DC: Division for Early Childhood. • Civic ideals and practices. These teachers also face issues common to all educators, such as determining the best methods to present and teach the material. A world of difference: Readings on teaching young children in a diverse society. Teaching Elementary/Middle Level Social Studies Methods, Grades 4-8 [Stearns] CI 388 3: Integrated Math Content and Methods for Teachers (PreK-4th Grade) [Lin] CI 389. Krechevsky, M., Mardell, B., Filippini, T., & Tedeschi, M. (2016). Each of the ten themes guides teachers in selecting or deriving content based on children’s interests, previous experiences, developmental stages, and skills (Mindes, 2005, p. 14). The teacher might read a book about an Asian child and help the children to compare that child’s beliefs with their own, or share a book such as My Grandfather’s Journey to illustrate the mixed emotions involved in immigration and acculturation. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill/Prentice-Hall; Seefeldt, Carol, and Alice Galper (2005). Social Studies for Georgia Schools: Early Childhood and Middle Grades.