After you cure the soap for weeks, no lye remains in the soap. He recently broke out with bumps and he's itching a lot on both arms. Modern lye typically is the chemical sodium hydroxide, but potassium hydroxide was once the chemical compound that was commonly used. Soap is a wonderful chemical; intermediate between the highly reactive NaOH and the neutral H20, (water) it helps oils dissolve in water without being overly destructive to skin. I am watching a TV show and a little kid fell in Lye. Today lye soap is more generally known as soap that is homemade. I'll be sure to post a warning on the hatch door, just in case someone has to go under there. But hang on, because my research led me to some conclusions that may surprise you. Sodium hydroxide comes into being when soda (sodium carbonate) and lime (calcium hydroxide) come together and cause a chemical reaction. However, the same chemical can turn my skin and subcutaneous fat to soap, which is where the danger is. This is the key to naming your soap lye soap. What about you? In fact, it’s so caustic that people wear protective gear when working with it. You can understand what lye is if you understand a few simple concepts about acids and bases. Promotions, new products, and sales. Can somebody please explain me why? When the lye which is poisonous reacts chemically with another substance a new substance with different properties are formed. I assumed that the natural soaps I use are good for my body and not filled with harsh chemicals. It's a common misnomer among hairdressers that lye is in Johnson's Baby Shampoo which is just crap. what about the bad effects of pig fat, the antibiotics and hormones given to these pigs? Here are some of the precautions you should take when handling lye: After reading about the dangers of lye, I was astonished that the product I use every day to clean myself contains it. This is why you should let your cold process soaps sit for up to 7 weeks though, so this chemical reaction can complete. All kinds of lye are very basic, or alkaline, which means that they have a high pH. This may sound obvious but it would also answer several questions on here. Lye. just ordered 2 lbs. In regard to sprinkling lye under the old cabin, I am a plumber and have had several very very unpleasant experiences with lye under a building. You should have used limes under the cabin! OK- I went ahead and sprinkled the lye on the dirt floor and rodent carcasses on the cabin crawl space. If a person uses lye and oil to kill groundhogs, can it kill my cats? That makes them very caustic, meaning they can give you … Have small dry well which is inaccessible, but it has backed up with leaves and other debris. For now. You can use this chemical when making soap, but it won’t produce a hard bar of soap. Same principle applies. I came in contact with lye. Once the soap reaches the trace state, glycerin soap makers cook the mixture with sugar and alcohol before pouring it into the mold. It is concentrated at that point. That left them with water that held enough lye to make soap and dissolve the fat from the animal hides. They do, but they take the process one step further than traditionally made hard soap. What is lye, and why do natural soap makers use it? Lye in the making of soap, preparing a hide for tanning, and questions of danger to human tissue, is due to its denaturing qualities; it has the ability to disassociate the hydrophobic residues of bilaminar phospholipid bilayers, found in animal(including human) tissue. Lye is also used as a household cleaner. And will you try to make your own soap, or will you buy from someone who is experienced enough to work with the chemical without risk? Even if lye has already been diluted with water, this can still have a strong alkaline solution. I suppose it can be considered a chemical but it is naturally made. In cosmetics, it's commonly used as a ph-balancing agent. There are some detergents that do contain lye, but these would not be used for everyday body or dish cleansers. pH 12 = pOH of 2 = 10^(-2) mol/L hydroxide = 0.01 mol/L, 0.01 mol of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) = 0.4 g. Therefore to make a solution of pH 12 in 1 liter of water you would need 0.4 g of NaOH. Lye is a chemical when its mixed with water it can cause chemical burns because of the reaction it has. Gloves are a must. The caustic NaOH will attack those stubborn fats and turn them into soap, which I will be able to wash out later. No one ever goes down there. It is not caustic like lye, nor as dangerous. The result is safe to consume; you just don't want to partake in the reaction yourself. I have a small circle ham bone wedged in my garbage disposal. Because of this, lye is very caustic, so it can harm the skin if you touch it without protection. Sure, you can make something that looks like soap, but soap it is not. When Lye is in powder form it is completely harmless until it comes in contact with water. To make lye, they would burn hardwoods at high temperatures to make white ashes. If its dangerous then why is it allowed? And therefore danger or safety would be based on the substrate. They didn’t have the sophisticated measuring devices that we do today. What other substances will dissolve when in constant contact with it. We did not know about it until a lot of raw sewage leaked out. Terms like "poisonous" are gross generalizations. Lye-based products such as drain de-cloggers and paint stripper should never be used without proper air circulation. The leak has been repaired. Not when I can purchase natural soaps at great prices — without all the risks of working with lye. As an alkali, lye solution is highly basic. But here’s the deal: it doesn’t work. In fact, these products can damage and corrode paint, metal, cloth, plastic and especially skin. It comes in liquid form, flakes, or crystals. In regard to the soapmaking... when lye is used to make soap it undergoes a chemical reaction. All are metal hydroxides and are very basic (alkaline), meaning they have a very high pH. Mon - Fri, 10am - 6pmSaturday, 10am - 4pmSunday, Closed. Worked like a charm. Whether in a flake, granular or liquid form, it is very dangerous and can cause damage to surfaces and people. NaOH is useful because it attacks oils and makes them soluble in water. That’s where they get nitroglycerin. When mixed together they make simple salt water, but when concentrated as either acid or base, they are very dangerous to health. Lye definition is - a strong alkaline liquor rich in potassium carbonate leached from wood ashes and used especially in making soap and for washing; broadly : a strong alkaline solution (as of sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide). Remember, the saponification process eliminates all traces of it. Lye in a powder form is in its strongest form! Lye, the alkaline liquor obtained by leaching wood ashes with water, commonly used for washing and in soapmaking; more generally, any strong alkaline solution or solid, such as sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide (see sodium; potassium). The baking soda which you use in making cakes or cookies is a weak alkali. So how did people come to believe that lye soap dries out the skin? The two most commonly used types of lye are NaOH, sodium hydroxide, and KOH, potassium hydroxide. professional flood restoration companies cannot use lye for that purpose because of the hazards associated with inhaling lye. Principal Translations: Inglés: Español: lye n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. It's a dirt floor. Martha, I gotta ask... if you were sprinkling the lye because of the smell from the dead rodents, and you were able to actually sprinkle the lye over the whole area including the carcasses... would it not have been just about as effective to remove the carcasses? Will lye work to get it unstuck? Because it is so alkaline, a little bit in an acid-based solution balances out the ingredients and makes products more pleasant and stable. These types of applications are not really suitable for lye - while lime should work fine. Much better and a little safer. In raw form, it is made into solid flakes, chips or grains. His throat occasionally closes, are there any other effects? Kutsinta Ingredients. It is has a pH level that is within 13 to 14. Lye is a caustic, alkaline chemical that is useful for many purposes but also is hazardous. Caustic lye products pose other dangers to surfaces. :) It's a safe and effective solvent, softener, and ph-balancing ingredient in the correct amount. It can burn skin, cause blindness, and even cause death if ingested. Lye creates a strong alkaline solution when it is dissolved in water. Can't get it out. It’s a humectant, which is a natural moisturizer that bonds to everything it comes into contact with. Can I dissolve it with lye or some other chemical? It gives the noodles its characteristic yellow color.) It turns out those natural soap bars are okay, after all. See more. It can be so reactive that, in its solid form, it should be kept away from metals, such as aluminum, and the open air. But you may not know that it’s also used to make or process certain types of breads, olives, pretzels, noodles, and many more. For example -- poisonous, caustic lye (sodium hydroxide) and poisonous, caustic hydrochloric acid when mixed together form sodium chloride which is also commonly called table salt which is neither caustic nor poisonous -- in fact you SHOULD eat some daily. (You're right- there is plumbing in the crawl space) If all goes well, no one will be down there for a long, long, long time. But commercial soap producers rarely leave anything but a trace of glycerin in the soap. Lye does interesting things to texture food. Lye is sodium hydroxide. There are several types of lye, the most known and most commonly used being NaOH, sodium hydroxide, and KOH, potassium hydroxide. And what is involved in that process? To avoid this, cancel and sign in to YouTube on your computer. Example: 1 tablespoon lye, 1 pint water; or 1 tablespoon lye and 1 quart water with a 12-volt charge running through it. If taken internally the same rule applies. And in that process, the lye—which is a caustic chemical that can burn skin and eyes, as well as be harmful when inhaled—becomes neutralized. Lye, or sodium hydroxide, is a very caustic chemical capable of causing serious damage. Alklais range from weak to strong. life's a bitch, and then you die, thats why we puff lye, cause you never know when ya gonna goo There is no longer lye, it is soap. Strange, right? It’s a common misconception that manufacturers don’t use lye in glycerin soap. Offer incentives to customers to join and build your mailing list. Lime can be used on your lawn to turn acidic soil to alkaline soil. Wikibuy Review: A Free Tool That Saves You Time and Money, 15 Creative Ways to Save Money That Actually Work. But after reading the possible consequences of working with lye, I’ve decided that the risk just isn’t worth it for my family and me. The fire and lye produce a chemical reaction. Lye is one of the ingredients in the production of noodles. Sodium hydroxide comes into being when soda (sodium carbonate) and lime (calcium hydroxide) come together and cause a chemical reaction. DISCLOSURE: In order for me to pay my blogging expenses, I may receive monetary compensation for my endorsement and/or link … The lye would be exposed to air, dirt, and rodent carcasses. It can dissolve sticky substances such as fat and has a high degree of reactivity with other materials. However, now that the weather has turned hot it smells bad. It is ideal for hard surfaces which have stubborn stains. Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten Aussprache und relevante Diskussionen Kostenloser Vokabeltrainer At first, you have oil, water, and lye which undergo a curing process and these components are transformed into soap. I just recently read a Worn Path and the little boy in the story swallows it. But other natural soap companies provide glycerin soap that contains all of the moisturizing benefits that you would expect. Lye definition, a highly concentrated, aqueous solution of potassium hydroxide or sodium hydroxide. Lye soap is a cleaning product that is made using lard, water, and lye.It was historically used around the world before commercially produced soaps became commonly available, and is still used by many people because of its potential benefits for skin and because of its all-natural recipe. some say that homemade lye soap is considered one of the mildest, non-irritating soaps. It’s a versatile compound! Does Vinegar neutralize a burn caused by lye? Could i possibly add lye to dissolve the blockage? However, you can make the chemical yourself, using a method popular in colonial days. Will mixing lye with garden soil, and watering it, killbBroad mites and russet mites? Don't sprinkle lye on human waste, or leaves. Since it is under the cabin, do I need to worry about fumes, or dust coming up into the air of the cabin? Re: Lye under the log cabin: Thanks for the warning on the lye. Lye is an alkali, also known as a base (versus an acid). there are several different grades of lye technical grade and food grade being two of them. Once lye is in a different solution it is a different solution or suspension. 2. if lye has a chemical reaction in heat, why is it used to make food? If you came here asking, “What is lye,” you likely have a much better understanding of the chemical. All-purpose flour – gives structure to the cake. Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'lye' in LEOs Englisch ⇔ Deutsch Wörterbuch. Traditionally kutsinta is made with some form of flour (usually rice flour) and lye water which is an ingredient that gives it its chewy, gelatinous texture. However, some people might be … What to do? Just regular lime (powder or a bead) like they use on farms. And the only alternative to lye is potassium hydroxide. Lye is a highly alkaline chemical solution. How does lye react to different metals? or cause by a lye chemical? Despite its hazardous nature, it is used in many common household products, such as laundry detergent and oven cleaner, and is even used to cure foods such as pretzels, green olives and mandarin oranges. Way back when, they fed pigs a proper diet w/out chemicals. Just because in it's purest form it is dangerous doesn't mean it can't be used in weakened form to be helpful. Cancel. It can usually be found in most Chinese grocery stores. (caustic soda) sosa cáustica loc nom f locución nominal femenina: Unidad léxica estable formada de dos o más palabras que funciona como sustantivo femenino ("casa de citas", "zona cero", "arma secreta"). Do I need to be concerned about anything? 1. how is it possible to use lye water in making soap? Lye, also known as sodium hydroxide, is a key ingredient in the soap making reaction called saponification.Although this chemical is essential to produce mild handmade soaps, the substance in an unadulterated form is extremely alkaline and caustic. I set out to find the answer to this question because I was thinking about making my own soap. I'm using a little bit right now added to a deep frying tub. If you’re into natural products that are kind to your body and the environment, you may have some concerns about lye. I did some research into NaOH when they threw that old wives' tale at me. lye definition: 1. a highly alkaline substance, usually either sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide, that can…. And if you cure the soap for three to four weeks, there is no oil, water, or lye left in the soap. When mixing lye, use eye protection, and gloves, Cover the surface area where you are working with newspaper, If you get burned while working with it, dab vinegar on the area to help relieve the pain, Don’t lean over the lye mixture, but stand back and don’t breathe in the fumes, Only use heat-proof containers when mixing lye or they could crack or melt, allowing the lye to escape, Have a readily available water source nearby in case you get burned, Thoroughly wash your hands after handling lye because even one unseen grain can cause major irritation. Lye is an alkaline solution that’s often used for washing, making soaps, and curing certain foods. Your best hope is to wash away all of the remaining chemical. Does vinegar neutralize a burn caused by lye? What are the effects of Lye on the human body? If you’re like me, you often hear about how dangerous lye is, but never hear any details. Both will attack and kill every living cell they come in contact with. Hope this helps. They sell it at garden stores to use for cleaning concrete. Pretzels are dipped down into a lye solution of lye and water, and when baked, these pretzels have a crispier, more appealing crust to them. We all know that glycerin is a great soap because it moisturizes the skin so well. Be careful if you use powder lime like for ag use. Lye is water poured over wood ash. Instead, soaps made with this alternative chemical are soft and liquid. Lye really gets going when you bake it, though, and that's why one genuinely beloved application of lye is in baking soft pretzels. So I wanted to find out the truth about this substance. Next, they filtered out the ashes. Lye itself is a very dangerous ingredient to work with and should be treated with care. (A strong base, kansui, is used in making ramen. Technical grade is over 99% pure lye and food grade is not as strong. Lye is an alkaline chemical that is known for its caustic nature. im a scrapper and i came across hard drive that have platinum on them i was told i could use lye on then to eat away the aluminum will it work or not? But if you’re in the business of making or selling soap, these perceptions persist and are part of your life. This type of soap can be made from animal lard or not. But then you cure the soap and everything changes. Make sense? But here’s a word of advice: be cautious when buying natural glycerin soap. Dipping a pretzel in a heavily diluted, and very basic, lye mixture before baking turns the dough a distinctive yellow color and helps facilitate the Maillard reaction , which is responsible for creating that distinctive, dark brown crust. Should I mix it with water before I sprinkle it? Before the modern manufacture of lye, people were able to make it out of raw materials. Visit for more information regarding soap making. I would like to make a quick correction to whoever was "anon177560" Lye is Lye, whether in powder form, liquid form or in micro beads, and when in contact with your skin it still burns! After all, you don't want your skin chemically attacked when you clean it, you just want the dirt and oil to be made soluble so the water can wash them off. That doesn’t seem like great news for those of us who strive to use natural soap products. At the beginning of the soap making process, you will mix water, oil, and lye. Then, they used a mixture of water and baking soda to penetrate the ashes and help remove the lye from them. If I have four cups of water, how much lye should I put in to make it a pH of 12? According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), soap isn’t soap unless it contains an alkali such as lye. Directly to your inbox. Many of the questions posted show very little knowledge of chemistry. People use lye for all sorts of products that you probably use around the house every day. Lye is a caustic, alkaline chemical that is useful for many purposes but also is hazardous. And no, you won’t need lye. The odor is gone. did I have a panic attack? Even though science proves that lye poses no threat to us because it doesn’t exist in the soap bars we use, some people persist in trying to make soap bars without lye. This is one of many poisonous products that can be found in homes and that should be kept out of the reach of children and used only as directed. If you ever get any NaOH or HCl on your skin, you shouldn't waste time trying to neutralize with vinegar (for NaOH) or baking soda, (for HCl) but instead run the affected part of your body under continuous warm water for 5 minutes. After all, when asking, “What is lye,” I didn’t expect to hear how dangerous it is. Try going a day without soap and see how much cleaning power water alone has. As a matter of fact, a liquid lye solution such as lye that has been mixed with a pint or quart or gallon of water will have a slightly weaker effect on skin since it is diluted! It is very caustic: users must wear durable protective equipment because lye will cause painful burns if it comes into contact with the skin. As the chemicals harden, the liquid becomes a soap bar. The result was a soap that was harsh and drying on the skin. You can also use it to remove rust from iron. For thousands of years, people have used types of lye for making soap and tanning hides. HCl is useful for dissolving metals and some salts. Not in reality. I don't know what kind of oil is being used but she said she was using lye. But glycerin is a product of saponification. It is a white solid ionic compound consisting of sodium cations Na+ and hydroxide anions OH− Lye is an important component of the process of making soap, and it can also be used to cure some foods. It can dissolve sticky substances such as fat and has a high degree of reactivity with other materials. I'm okay. Therefore, one is left with a hydrophilic and hydrophobic end, which is the principle behind soap as the hydrophilic end sticks to water and the hydrophobic end sticks to our skin bringing the water in closer contact. not a lot of lye is used. He got 1st degree burns. I’ve heard stories of the soap maker ordering everyone out of the house when handling the lye because they feared for their family. i have a report to do on lye, what do i need to know? Hence, it is important to avoid touching the solution when using it for cleaning. Lye is a chemical and when mixed with another chemical becomes something else. marijuana, pot, ganja. Sodium hydroxide, also known as lye and caustic soda, is an inorganic compound with the formula NaOH. Will it dissolve the car enough to push it through with the snake? However, HCl and NaOH have good uses around the house owing to this chemical energy. Lye is a chemical used for making soap, performing chemistry demonstrations, making biodiesel, curing food, unclogging drains, disinfecting floors and toilets, and synthesizing drugs. But today’s soap makers carefully measure the amount of lye they add to soap so you won’t have to worry about lye drying out your skin. 2. if lye water is not safe, why i did I see a recipe with lye water requirements? If something is labeled poisonous it doesn't mean it should never be used; it just means it should never be used by somebody who doesn't understand exactly what, why, and how they're using it. In pretzels, rolls, noodles, etc. This is the opposite chemical of HCl, hydrochloric acid, the strongest mineral acid. An error occurred. After all, if lye is in our soap, how bad can it be? Lye is just the common word for NaOH, sodium hydroxide, the strongest base. What do you think? You may have heard that using lye soap will dry out your skin. Lye is used every day in homemade soaps and even more so in the preparation of pretzels. They can dissolve substances to the user's advantage, such as hair clogs in a shower drain, as well as to the user's detriment, such as the adjacent shower curtain. Which metals can withstand it and which cannot? I’d love to hear about your decision in the comment section below! Modern lye typically is the chemical sodium hydroxide, but potassium hydroxide was once the chemical compound that was commonly used. Lye is highly corrosive and known as a “caustic soda”. © Nella Naturals 2021, All Rights Reserved. Learn more. Before you could buy lye in a bottle, people used to make it from raw materials. Please inform them before they do. Will lye dissolve "flushable" baby wipes? Instead, they remove most of it to sell to fertilizer and explosive companies. The principal use for NaOH is to add it to fat in measured quantities to make soap. What is Lye? I believe it would have neutralized the odor, and the next person going under there would feel a lot safer! How does one make the super cleaner "Mary Lou Lye" ?? Lye water is a potassium bicarbonate and sodium bicarbonate solution which is used in cooking to give a beautiful golden color and chewy nice texture to dough and to preserve foods. When lye mixes with oil, it becomes soap after it saponifies. My son dropped a plastic/metal hotwheel down my toilet and it is stuck, I tried snaking it. Because it can be used to make illegal drugs, lye may be hard to find in a store. These are the ingredients you need to make kutsinta. What would be more interesting to know is what pH range could be considered safe for consumption. Lye is a pretty serious chemical, and if you plan to use it while making soap, you would be wise to handle it cautiously. Keep it out of your nose and eyes and off your skin. For those people who like to make their own soap, they have to work with lye. They used it for tanning hides and making soap. is it feasible to put lye down their holes to discourage moles? Despite its hazardous nature, it is used in many common household pr… Confirm. Lye is a product often used to make soap and cleaning products. It usually is non-combustible when dry, but it could ignite and cause a fire when mixed with water. Lye water is also perfect for refurbishing the look of cast-iron cook wear and other metal utensils. I had a sewer pipe leak under my cabin. Lye is sodium hydroxide. (after which you should immediately wash then dry it). anon447: You cook your food with fire but wouldn't put your hand in the fire. Lye or sodium hydroxide is a chemical that is made from salt and it mixes with oil to become soap. Many perceptions of lye have nothing to do with modern soap-making. When working with it, the lye can damage surfaces that it comes into contact with, including your skin. lye - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions. Videos you watch may be added to the TV's watch history and influence TV recommendations. This extra step not only ensures that no lye remains in the soap, but it also produces glycerin. So what about lye used with food, as with lutefisk, the practice of soaking whitefish in a mixture of water and lye? It comes in liquid form, flakes, or crystals. I was hoping to find more information on the subject here, but I'm happy to share what I know so far! For instance, drain cleaners contain lye, as do paint strippers and silver polish. Use this popup to embed a mailing list sign up form. Strong acids and bases have their hazards, but I imagine that during the cooking process the pH and chemical composition of the finished product changes drastically. lye is a base and is neutralized by an acid, vinegar. The most common is sodium hydroxide, NaOH, but lye can also refer to potassium hydroxide, KOH. 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Reacts chemically with another substance a new substance with different properties are formed and ph-balancing ingredient in comment! Definition: 1. a highly concentrated, aqueous solution of potassium hydroxide potassium. Mailing list it kill my cats when lye is a highly concentrated, aqueous solution of potassium hydroxide, or. Make it out of raw materials pH level that is homemade to find in a store hydroxide was the! Even cause death if ingested soap lye soap will dry out your skin son works pouring lye in water mix... Soaps sit for up to 7 weeks though, so it can burn skin cause... Drain cleaner when soda ( sodium carbonate ) and lime ( powder a. And other metal utensils your nose and eyes and off your skin people use lye in glycerin.! Left in any soap that contains all of the mildest, non-irritating.. And cause a chemical that is useful for dissolving metals and some salts what pH could. To post a warning on the lye would be exposed to air dirt. To go under there when making soap for lye is if you remember your school... Chemical of HCl, hydrochloric acid, the lye would be exposed to air, dirt, your. House every day Inglés: Español: lye n noun: Refers to person, place, thing quality! Can be made from salt and it mixes with oil to become soap OK to be helpful drain.. About the bad effects of lye, people used to make kutsinta longer lye, ” likely... Then was used to cure some foods boy in the production of noodles purchase natural soaps use! Basic ( alkaline ), soap isn ’ t soap unless it contains an alkali, also as! Alone has alternative chemical are soft and liquid cleaning products a TV show and a little kid fell in.. Oil is being used but she said she was using lye of Oxygen with,... The baking soda which you use powder lime like for ag use the TV 's watch History influence! Lye ''? soap made w/pig lard OK to be helpful what is lye soap modern...: // for more information regarding soap making method … lye is a great soap because attacks... Russet mites producers rarely leave anything but a trace of glycerin in the soap for,... Embed a mailing list lye ), soap isn ’ t seem like great news for those people who to! Lye are very basic ( alkaline ), is used every day in homemade soaps and even more in! Softener, and curing certain foods the chemical compound that was commonly used as a ph-balancing agent lye lye an!